The total purse amount is $2000.00
First Place $550 Second Place $300 Third Place $150
Cash awards will be given to the top three finishers, male and female that complete the George Kuhn Half Marathon 27K Freestyle Ski Race on Saturday and the Lombard Loppet 15K Classic on Sunday. Rank is determined by combined times of the two races.
The Saturday awards will take place at the Park Place Hotel Ballroom at 5:30 pm.
You must register for the party when you register for the race.
Cost is only $5.00.
The Sunday awards will take place at Timber Ridge, including the crowing of King and Queen Vasa.
The top 3 male/female overall in each race will receive podium recognition.
Top 3 in each age division will be invited to collect their medals.
Unclaimed awards can be picked up by a friend. Leftover awards from Saturday can be picked up on Sunday.